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Fragile Happiness

Happiness cannot be attained by making others unhappy.

I am surprised to see on an everyday basis how many fail at this simple understanding. There is a simple joy in the smile and care of other human beings around you. There is a grace in every little thing when love is shared. A heartfelt conversation, a small help, keeping the door open for someone, allowing someone time to cross the road, sharing a smile, they all lead to simple moments of joy to populate our everyday lives with. But so many of us are stuck running an invisible race of proving they are better than the others. Being nice to others, at the very least, gives a break to you from being obsessed about yourself, which we are pre-disposed to anyways.

Life is not a zero sum game, no one has to look worse to make you look good.

You can be best in the world but through your one-upmanship it is isolation you create for yourself.

As the poet Robin Wall Kimmerer puts it, we are tricked into believing that ..”belongings will fill our hunger, when it is belonging that we crave”. Happiness is to have people in our lives to share it with.


Images and Text © Rohit Karandadi unless stated otherwise.

No usage or publishing without prior permission

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