Who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love - is the sum of what you focus on - Winifred Gallagher (Rapt)
As a creator I’ve often felt that what we consume the most is also what we are inclined to create. This is a minuscule observation in comparison with Gallagher’s but something that is directly relevant to the creative process.
The reason there is such enthusiasm about creating films when one is in film school is because consciously or unconsciously one is surrounded in the atmosphere of film-making. Watching a lot of films, talking about films, helping others craft a process, etc. But the same enthusiasm that gushes like a waterfall runs to a trickle as soon as the environment is taken away from the person. Once outside in the regular world, one is surrounded by regular things. Instead of watching films that inspire you or surrounding yourself with art or books, one finds themselves in an environment that is mediocre and not conducive to creativity. It becomes really important then as to how one crafts their environment and what habits they put in place. The crutches of external motivation are off and the choice is to create a ritual to keep functioning or to bite the dust.
While creating the process too, its important what one focuses on. If someone like me desires to create animation films, I should form a regular habit of consuming animation and studying it. If its art, one must immerse themselves in the art they love and respect. If its business, one must learn to look at the various ways the craft of commerce is executed and so on.
Conversely, we are in a generation where algorithmic feeds rule our choices. They make us consume things we didn’t even know existed. Our focus consistently thwarted from one area to the other brings us to this state of confusion where we don’t know what we love anymore, feel anymore or think anymore. To take it from Gallagher, we don’t even know who we are anymore. The remedy to this is simple to execute but hard to fathom.