Choice is not about doing but about not doing. Minimalism is about unencumbering ourselves with generalised expectations.
In any given point of time one can choose to do one from a million tasks. Its a matter of taking away the things that do not serve us and focusing on the ones that do.
We often take long winded routes to reach the destination thats in line of sight. We end up doing things that we consider are expected of us. We fail to question our actions and fall prey to our procrastinations.
One doesn’t need to be able to draw realistically to create conceptual or abstract art. One doesn’t need to finish his graduation to create a business. One doesn’t need to be rich to be happy. All these constructs are conditioned into the vulnerable parts of our mind to serve capitalistic structures at each step and ultimately distract ourselves from the one thing we are passionate about. Every diversion we take away from our goal, we become weaker in pursuing it. We lose time and energy in pursuits that serve others.
The straight road is hard but shorter and there is lesser chance to get lost. In times of doubt its better to sit empty, in silence and strategize about the challenge ahead, than to expend our energy in pursuits that allow us momentary escapes.